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Polite, past form of verb A
That's how it was explained to me.
Last year, my family lived in Hawaii.
      こと   よく   できませんでした  
I couldn't really understand what they said.
I read all of this book.
      あなた     よく        
I see. I understood your opinion well.
The studied at the library.
My daughter showed (e.g. me) the book.
Mom did not come here.

Getting the sentences
ます → ました
えいが みました
せんだい いきました
にほん からて しました
We talked in the last lesson about making nouns and adjectives past tense, but what about verbs? How do we make verbs into the past tense?
We talked in the last lesson about making nouns and adjectives past tense, but what about verbs? How do we make verbs into the past tense?
Figuring out the past tense is actually pretty easy: if you see the verb in ます form, you don’t even need to think about if a verb is Ichidan, Godan, or irregular!
All you have to do is take that ます ending and change it to ました!
All verbs will work exactly the same way.
And you can also use the particles we learned in the same way, too.
This is “I saw a movie.”
While this is “I went to Sendai (a city).”
And this is “I did karate in Japan.”
すし たべませんでした
としょかん はなしませんでした
がっこう きませんでした
All verbs will work the same way in the negative past tense, as well.
All verbs will work the same way in the negative past tense, as well.
You will take the negative ending ません and just add the past tense でした to it.
Just like with the positive past tense, it doesn’t matter if your verb is Ichidan, Godan, or irregular - they all work the same way.
Particles will also remain unchanged.
So this is “I didn't eat sushi.”
This would be “I didn't talk at the library”
And this is “I didn't come to school”
That wasn't so bad, was it?
That wasn't so bad, was it?
Just remember, ます becomes ました, while ません becomes ませんでした.


1. Determine if it's a godan or ichidan verb
How do I determine the type of the verb?
2. Conjugating the verbs
Godan verbs
1. Change the last character from it's 'u' form to the 'i' form.
む (mu) => み (mi)
す (su) => し (shi)
う (u) => い (i)
ぬ (nu) => に (ni)
つ (tsu) => ち (chi)
ぶ (bu) => び (bi)
く (ku) => き (ki)
ぐ (gu) => ぎ (gi)
る (ru) => り (ri)
Ichidan verbs
1. Remove the る from the end of the verb.

Special cases
1a. する (to do) is changed to し.
1b. くる (to come) is changed to き.

2a. Add ました to make the positive form.
2b. Add ませんでした to make the negative form.
Conjugation examples
Let's conjugate the godan verb く/かく (to write):
Basic Examples
Before we start: かく
1. か -> か
2a. かき -> かきました (wrote)
2b. かき -> かきませんでした (didn't write)

Now let's conjugate the verb べる/たべる (to eat), which is an ichidan verb:
Basic Examples
Before we start: たべる
1. たべ -> たべ
2a. たべ -> たべました (ate)
2b. たべ -> たべませんでした (didn't eat)


Positive forms

い-adjectives such as かわいい, あつい, and たかい can be conjugated by removing the い and adding かったです.
Basic Examples
1. おいし -> おいし
2. おいし -> おいしかったです
な-adjectives such as しんせつ, げんき, and あんぜん can be conjugated by adding でした.
Basic Examples
1. げんき -> げんきでした

Negative forms

い-adjectives such as かわいい, あつい, and たかい can be conjugated by removing the い and adding くありませんでした or くなかったです.
Basic Examples
1. おいし -> おいし
2. おいし -> おいしくなかったです
な-adjectives such as しんせつ, げんき, and あんぜん can be conjugated by adding ではありませんでした or じゃなかったです.
Basic Examples
1. げんき -> げんきではありませんでした
Where this grammar is found

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Discussion about this grammar
my car was over there
9 years ago
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Level: 213

Is it okay that the adjectives are in the same explanation part of the verbs? In the ます/ません explanation it wasn't written the present form of them as here... Maybe it's confuse for new students ?

4 years ago
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Level: 262

I'll keep that in mind, thanks! We'd like to expand these entries more in the future.

4 years ago
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