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Forums - Page not auto updating on new day

Top > renshuu.org > Bugs / Problems



At the moment I don't have Wi-Fi and today the clocks went forward. For some reason when I tried to look at my mastery schedules to start studying, I notices they weren't updated. What's strange tho is if I start a focused review then end the quiz, it updates. NO idea if its just a server thing tho or due to the clocks going forward messing it up (I haven't had Wi-Fi for a couple of days).

1 month ago
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Level: 263

I'm guessing this is the case, but just to be safe, you're referring to not the change in your day, but the change in the day in renshuu, which is usually set to the middle of the night for most people?

If you can get it to happen again, what happens if you just refresh the page (for example, go to the forums, then return to the dashboard)?

Additionally, how soon after the day reset was it?

1 month ago
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Today it didn't happen, the reason I think the clocks going forward might be the answer is because they go forward at around the same time as I have my end of day setting (3am).

Also yes, I am refering to when Renshuu updates to the new day. I checked when I woke up (around 5 hours after)

1 month ago
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Level: 263

If we're able to get a consistent reproduction of the issue, let me know and I'll definitely look into it. If it's a once-in-a-blue-moon kind of thing, it may be trickier to knock it out.

1 month ago
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If it's a once-in-a-blue-moon kind of thing, it may be trickier to knock it out.

If you want to try to fix it, I think the best way of doing this is asking people to put their end of day settings to when the clocks change, as I'm 90% sure that's causing it.

It is almost harmless, in the sense that you can fix it yourself, although some people might not think of focused review (unsure on other refresh methods as I only did that one at the time)

I'll try to reproduce it although it'll have to be in 6 months, as that's when the clocks fall back, which is why I think other people can help as they'll be in different parts of the world with different timings with when clocks change

1 month ago
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Level: 263

OH - I completely missed that bit of information - you're referring to daylight savings time. Ah yes - to be honest, given how busy I am, I'm willing to consider that bug acceptable due to the rarity of it happening.

29 days ago
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