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Forums - Pet Pictures

Top > 会話 / General discussion > Anything Goes

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Level: 64

look who has taken residence in my window... ( . _ . ) it's a very big spider... (compared to the ones I usually find outside or in the house) I just attempted to measure it through the window and it's around an inch long. ( ° /\/\ ° )

5 months ago
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look who has taken residence in my window... ( . _ . ) it's a very big spider... (compared to the ones I usually find outside or in the house) I just attempted to measure it through the window and it's around an inch long. ( ° /\/\ ° )

I think I'll be having nightmares tonight, why does it have such long legs TT

5 months ago
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My dogs-can you tell which one is the baby brother? Lol. Also love cats but don’t have one. Pic of my grandparents cat in bag below. Small dog is Finn and big one Magnus. Cat is Lola.

4 months ago
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ロウ (Row)
Level: 539

I saw Strawberry again for the first time in a while

They gave Pickle to someone else 🥲

3 months ago
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Top > 会話 / General discussion > Anything Goes

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