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Forums - End of support for Android 7.0 and below (April 9th, 2024)

Top > renshuu.org > Announcements

Level: 262

Contrary to the pattern of a lot of apps, I have always done everything I can to keep renshuu open to older devices, even at the risk of getting lower app reviews due to the inherent difficulties with supporting devices that cannot access certain, newer technologies.

Unfortunately, the time has come that I am unable to support Android devices running 7.0 or earlier, and the next renshuu app update will not allow those devices to download the app.

As of this posting, this will affect roughly 0.2-0.3% of devices with renshuu currently installed.

It may be possible to continue using renshuu.org (the website) on browsers on those devices: I would recommend trying both Chrome and Firefox.

Thank you so much for your understanding and support!

(Technical info)

renshuu's servers use the Let's Encrypt service for SSL certificates (along with 100s of millions of other websites/services). A few years ago, they announced plans to upgrade various aspects of their certification system to ensure continued security for everyone that uses Let's Encrypt, and those upgrades have started this year.

Essentially, the upgrades use a newer form of certificate that is not recognized or supported by Android 7.0 or older. Instead, renshuu (as well as all other apps/sites that use it) will appear as if the certification is not valid, and therefore will not be loaded.

27 days ago
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