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Forums - Have you been to Japan?

Top > 会話 / General discussion > Japan, にほん, 日本

Level: 116

If so, what did you like about it? If not, are you planning to/what are you looking forward to the most?

Ive never been to Japan before, but I'm hoping to go at some point. I've not really done international travel so it's a bit daunting

9 months ago
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Food, family and nature are probably my top three. There’s a lot to like, but it’s a real place with real people, and nowhere near perfect.

9 months ago
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Level: 129

I haven't been either, but am suddenly thinking I'd like to finally consider actually doing it. Ha. I've often thought I'd love to go to Tokyo, but it never went beyond that. :( The culture, food and nature all seem amazing.

I say, "Go for it!" The sooner the better, if possible. Of course, one should probably plan a bit more for a trip to Japan, than say, some European destination, but it's doable! I have lots of ideas and advice about it saved on insta! =)

9 months ago
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Level: 300

Have never gotten to japan, but will do when it's possible!

9 months ago
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I'm in the same boat, I want to go to Japan really badly (stopped by being poor) as for what I am looking forward to the most, it might seem a bit depressing, but just the opportunity to find friendly people. I know that might be weird, but over here I have never managed to find a friend, and it's creeping up on me that if I don't find one soon, i am going to have a lonely and miserable life. It's one of those things that I desperately want to change, but haven't had the chance to do anything about.

As for Japan itself, honestly there's not a one thing I want to see type of thing, I just love the country and I really, really want to go. I even want to move over there. That's probably a pipe dream given it's impossible to get any sort of savings over here, but a man can dream.

8 months ago
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Level: 211

I have been twice! I used to live much closer, and my mother often has to travel there for work. I have been to Tokyo (a long long time ago) and Hokkaido (more recently). I liked Hokkaido very much! Sapporo is a wonderful city to walk in, if you like skiing there's also places like Niseko, and I know a few people who have been to Otaru and said it was wonderful! I agree, there. It was like something out of a fairy tale!

Honestly my favourite parts had to be the scenery and the food. Recommend going in different seasons if possible—very beautiful!!

7 months ago
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Level: 18

I first went to Japan in 2014, I was 20 and had saved up money from my first job to go. I went on a two week tour of Honshu and saw many of the sights you would expect to see in a documentary about Japan, Tokyo shops, Kyoto shrines, Hakone hot springs and Hiroshima Peace Park. It was around £2000 but definitely worth it. All the other travellers in my coach party were elderly couples (60+) and were very kind – I also bathed with the elderly ladies in the hot springs! Having a tour guide to explain things and manage things like luggage transfer was a huge help, especially because I knew 0 Japanese back then.

I returned to Japan in 2016 and stayed in Tokyo and did trips around and outside of the main city. And then I studied as an exchange student in Nagoya in 2022. My Japanese is a lot better now and I’m hoping to return to Japan either as a JET applicant or a holiday maker some time next year.

I love Japan. It’s clean, it’s punctual, it’s respectful and practical. Everything the UK is not. I’m considering moving there for work but I’m reluctant to leave my elderly parents.

5 months ago
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I haven't been to Japan but I'm using Renshuu to learn Japanese and hopefully go to Japan one day.

5 months ago
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I went to Japan earlier this year and it was incredible. I enjoyed the food a lot, but the thing that really got me was the scenery. The pagodas everywhere, the Osaka castle, bamboo forests, it was all amazing

5 months ago
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Level: 8

I went to Japan last month and it was lovely! I stayed in a hotel nearby Ginza and ate conbini food every morning for my 5 day trip. Everything is much cheaper in Japan than Korea, especially with won/usd to yen exchange rates being better. Now that I've tasted everything I wanted to try, I'd rather go to the local supermarkets for breakfast/late dinner next time.

The cost of public transportation shocked me, however. Korean subway/bus fare costs from less than to a little over a us dollar, so I was surprised I had spent nearly 50k yen on subways alone in Japan. It was worth it though as I went to Shibuya, Ginza, Harajuku, Shinjuku, and Roppongi.

I also went to Disney Sea and it was really lovely. Kind staff, beautiful views, fun rides, good and surprisingly inexpensive food. I recommend the smoked chicken leg!

5 months ago
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Level: 174

Lived there when I was a wee tot. Then went to Japan almost every summer throughout Primary school.nt to Japan almost every summer throughout ES, JH, and HS school.

Now I live in Japan again.

4 months ago
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