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Forums - When to move on to a new mastery schedule?

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So far I've learned all of the terms from the "Japanese Basics" grammar schedule, but don't have 100% mastery on all of them. I'm also still working through all of the "Words for Japanese Basics", and still have quite a few to learn. Should I go for 100% mastery on everything before moving onto "Beginner Japanese/N5" (which comes with it's own grammar, vocab, sentences, and kanji), or should I move on now while chipping away at the older stuff that's not 100% mastered yet? I know everyone learns at a different pace, I was just wondering if there was a best practice for moving on to a new schedule without mastering the previous one.

11 days ago
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ロウ (Row)
Level: 223

You can do whatever you want, if you're having trouble with the terms on the schedules you have right now, wait, but don't wait until they're 100% mastery. Terms don't reach 100% for a very long time, even if you know them they can still be less than that. Even if some of the terms are still at level 1 mastery you can move to the next set of schedules. But I would wait until you have at least learned all the terms in one before moving to the next

11 days ago
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Level: 162

Getting to 100% mastery on even just a single term takes a while, y'know...~

I'd say move onto a new schedule when you feel like you can get all or most of the questions you'll be faced with very quickly and/or if you feel like you know a good chunk of them by heart. Notice this is all based on feeling...~

And of course, you can (and probably will) work on the older ones alongside the new schedules, and if it turns out you aren't quite ready, you can freeze the more advanced ones until you feel up to it...~

11 days ago
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A rule of thumb that I use is 100% = 2 years. YMMV

11 days ago
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Thanks for the tips everyone, didn't know 100% mastery took that long! Makes sense though.

11 days ago
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Level: 884

Ignore the level progression. The different levels aren't gates that you have to wait at until you're "ready", they're just arbitrary categories to sort terms into. In real application there are no boundaries to where "basic" ends and "beginner" begins.

Just commit to learning as much as you're comfortable with each day. If you run out of stuff in your current schedules, add more so you can keep learning the same amount each day. If you find yourself struggling, slow down introducing new material and focus on getting your mastery up. There are no levels, just accumulation and review and your own assessment of your confidence with the material.

11 days ago
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Level: 1205

There's a pinned thread on this that should help to answer your question:


11 days ago
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