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Forums - Upcoming sneak preview for January 2018!

Top > renshuu.org > Feature Requests/Improvements

Level: 260

The theme of 2018 at renshuu will be making your time on the site more fun and enjoyable! As the underlying quiz system is pretty mature, I want to make the site more enjoyable to use for both new users who need the bare essentials, and power users who like do really get into the details of their studying. Our mascot kao-chan will be taking a huge role in this endeavor - our kao-chan comics are returning, the entrance to the site is getting a face-lift, and kao-chan's presence in the site will grow.

Here's a sneak preview of some changes to the quiz finish page that I'm working on. The current version is too cluttered, and doesn't have much congratulations to the user for doing well.


("touch me" will be replaced with a little graphic, but the accuracy coin will rotate to reveal....)


If only these kao coins were as popular as Bitcoin is..

6 years ago
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