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Level: 261
Looks like we might be waiting for a long time. Long story short (as I understand it) - this massive clipart site was run by a guy, built by another guy. The main engineer was killed due to political strife, and the person maintaining it seemed to tie the sight to the political views of this victim, so it got (has been?) DDOSed for weeks on end. Current guy doesn't seem to know what he's doing at all, and doesn't seem interested in taking the 100k + clipart released under public domain or whatever and putting it out there in a torrent so the work of thousands doesn't vanish off the Internet.


It is particularly tricky trying to follow along because the tweets put out often don't really seem to make sense, or sound as if different people are tweeting at different times.
5 years ago
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Level: 1147
Speaking of the difficulty with selecting images for certain terms, I've been having a dilemma about what kind of images to use for terms that have more than one distinct definition. Ideally, there could be a different image for each definition, but currently we're limited to one. Is it better to just not use an image for terms like ぐ (used to mean to row or to peddle)? Or should I just use an image for any of the definitions, even if they are all equally used?
5 years ago
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Level: 110
for cases like that, in my opinion one image for one of the meaning is better than no image. I see it like this: a begginner learning the vocab could use that one image to become very familiar with one of the meaning (as a basis) and then with time expand and learn about the other meaning one by one.

This said, would be pretty insane and awesome if the feature where to be upgraded so that when you hover your mouse over the meanings, would bring up the associated image :S
Like meaning one would show one thing, touching meaning 2 would switchthe image to something else :S

Or like let's say for a vocab with 3 different meaning, all 3 images visible all at once, but when you touch one of the images, it highlight the meaning associated to that :S
5 years ago
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Level: 110
Someone put the image below for , I am not familiar with the term, is that an appropriate image?
whenI saw it I thought
(I'm asking for confirmation before downvoting, since I'm not familiar with the vocab and unsure)
5 years ago
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Level: 892
The image is definitely . While is a form of , the latter term has a much broader meaning.
5 years ago
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Level: 261
It's valid, but as Karlla said, there could be other images in addition to. I'm going to make it more obvious in the future that a term has multiple images.

Also, I love your enthusiasm about tying images to individual meanings - for now, I'd add anything that matches any of the meanings.
5 years ago
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Level: 1706
The tag says downvoted pictures won't appear again. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work. I've down voted two pictures
ohqaeuod3mfibuuuajqthjduc.pngbut I'm still only seeing the easter eggs.
7phkpnydtzr058fro7wcpwsvg.pngIf I add another picture it becomes the main for me, but otherwise nothing changes. This is happening on several terms.

5 years ago
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Level: 261
This should be all cleared up - let me know if you see otherwise!
5 years ago
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Level: 110
might be because of the above fix, but where previusly I had visible all the standard images for vocabs submitted by other users, now is not showing them by default and I have to manually click "Picture" and upvote one of the users submitted ones.
Given my schedule has around 5000 vocabs, it was better the previous way, where I only had to click a few mistaken ones rather than click on 5000 images myself :/
5 years ago
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Level: 261
Wait, so when exactly are they not appearing?
5 years ago
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Level: 261
nm - found it and fixed it.
5 years ago
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Level: 1147
Small inconsistency: the default search term when trying to add a picture while on a schedule terms page defaults to the way the word is written in the dictionary, rather than how it is written on the page the term is displayed on. So, with my kanji settings the way they are, I see words written like and (いつ) in schedule term pages, but if I try to add a picture from there, the search box is autofilled with あなた and いつ.
5 years ago
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Level: 261
Have you seen better results come from the all kanji terms, even when they are commonly displayed in hiragana only?
5 years ago
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Level: 1147
I usually get different, and sometimes more specific, results by using kanji, yes. There are also a lot of words in the dictionary where the kanji is listed as rarely written, but writing the word in kanji is actually fairly common, so searching with kanji inproves the results, especially for words with homonyms.
5 years ago
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Level: 261
Let me know if it has improved for you.
5 years ago
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Level: 892
I'd like to hear your input on this:

I have begun to get more strict with the images that have come in. There's been two styles of pictures that I've been rejecting outright, but would like to hear your thoughts on it:

2. "Word as a title" images - they include the main word of the definition in a picture/photo, but the word is part of a title. For example, "" (revolution) may show a book that is titled "Revolution". The book may itself be about revolutions, but I feel the link is too tenuous. Another example - (end, in the end, etc.) got a picture of a road sign (in the darkness) that says "End" on it. Felt fairly vague and disconnected.
Doesn't the image for き fall exactly into that category?
5 years ago
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Level: 261
You're absolutely right! The little tool I built for myself is not ideal, and I might have misclicked when I went through that one. Just marked it off.
5 years ago
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Level: 892
I am uncertain, if this image of a fennec passes as a キツネ. Whereas a fennec is a type of fox, I wonder if Japanese people would actually call it kitsune?
5 years ago
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Level: 1147
Getting kanji search terms now, thanks!
5 years ago
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Level: 110
Found some abnormal image behaviour.

I had given the calculator button image (in the image above) to the four basic math operations, but for addition I am getting this
even though the calculator button image is the one upvoted in my account
And same with
5 years ago
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