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Level: 892
My goal: I want to compare two of my schedules and isolate the terms that are listed in both schedules.
Q: How do I do that?

example: I have two schedules with a little over 1k terms each. With the "use terms in ANY of these sets" option I get a combined pool of 1897 terms. That means there should be roughly 150 terms that overlap (are part of both schedules), right? My thought was, that "use terms in ALL of these sets" should give me exactly these roughly 150 terms. However, I get 0. Why? Where's the error in my thought process?


4 years ago
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Level: 262

Sounds right (your thinking) - let me know the scheds you are testing, and I'll take a look!

4 years ago
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Level: 892

I want to compare e.g. scheds #72055 and #34475 (they are the ones from the above example).The latter one should have lots of overlaps with other scheds as well.

4 years ago
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Level: 262

Should be fixed!

4 years ago
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Level: 892


I figured I can remove terms from one schedule in a single swipe, which is great. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work, if the schedule is frozen. :(
The number changed a little, but not to the expected extend. Besides, the list should disappear after removing all terms from one schedule, but it doesn't. However, if I click on any term it is not shown as part of the schedule in question.

4 years ago
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Level: 262

That does not yet exist! Sounds useful, though, I'll put it in soon.

4 years ago
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Level: 262

What do you mean it doesn't work if it's frozen? Are you referring to the display not changing, or is the display not changing for any removal action, regardless of frozen status?

4 years ago
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Level: 892

I still do not quite understand the funtionality of the index.

Q: What is included in my kanji (vocab, grammar etc.)?
- Terms from my schedules: definitely
- Terms from my lessons: yes
- Terms from other lessons that I have studied some time in the past: probably
Where does the rest come from?

I have just tried to compare "my kanji" with the JLPT lists and found that there are 14 kanji from the N3 lists, that are not included in "my kanji".
How do I separate these 14 kanji?
My approach:
I tried the "unknown" filter, but got only 1 result. I tried the "not studied" filter and surprisingly got 100 results. That means there are at least 86 terms among "my kanji" that I have never studied. Then, how did they even make it into "my kanji"?

Edit: I noticed another inconsistency. On page 1 of said 100 item list the little + icon is grey, on page 2 they're all green, but when I click on them, these kanji don't seem to be part of any of my scheds or lessons.

4 years ago
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Level: 892

What do you mean it doesn't work if it's frozen? Are you referring to the display not changing, or is the display not changing for any removal action, regardless of frozen status?

In case of the regular (not frozen) schedules, it works perfectly fine now.

If I apply above procedures to a frozen schedule I certainly get a list for the overlapping terms, but removing those terms from the frozen schedule only reduces that schedule's numbers by let's say 30 to 40 terms. Consequently the list of overlapping terms remains almost unchanged. But when clicking on the individual terms, I find that they are no longer part of the frozen schedule.

Is that clear now?

4 years ago
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Level: 262

1.There was a mistake in the my ____ field. It's now been fixed. My ____ are terms that

a)Have been studied at least once on renshuu

b)Have had mastery levels manually set on them (which is interpreted as having a study history)

It is quite possible to have a term in a sched but not in your My___ list if you have not studied it yet.

As to your separation, that tool is coming very soon. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to represent it visually.

2. I can no longer replicate the incorrect + sign issue. If you can still get it, let me know the set of steps you take to get to it.

3. Thanks for the clarification on the frozen schedule thingy. I'll look into it!

4 years ago
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Level: 262

I believe the subtraction from schedules should now better display the updated numbers after the action.

4 years ago
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Level: 892

About the + issue

I went to the index to check if it works better now and moved some unstudied terms into my schedules. I found a problem so I went to the forums to report it. Using the return arrow of my browser I went back to the index, opened my kanji and N2 kanji and filtered the not studied terms. At first all + icons were grey, I moved the first two terms into my schedules, then moved to page 2 and 3 to check if the + is also grey there. It was. Then, I went directly back to page one using the page picker tool and found that all + icon were green now. pages 2 and 3 are not affected.

4 years ago
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Level: 262

I'll be taking a look at this tomorrow, but do let me know if you find a path to the issue without requiring an action (so I can hopefully jump in and replicate it on your account).

4 years ago
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Level: 892

I just tried on my mobile. Went to the index, chose my kanji, n2 kanji and not studied. On the first page all + icons are green, on page 2 and 3 they are all grey. I didn't do anything.

Above (pc version) I simply described all the steps I took prior to the issue, but I'm pretty confident that simply flipping through the pages of that list, without any other actions, would have recreated the issue just the same.

4 years ago
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Level: 262

Weird...looking into it, it really feels like something I fixed a long time ago.

Please give it a try now! I worry that I unfixed something else, though.

4 years ago
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Level: 262

You can now make lessons as an action from the Index.

4 years ago
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