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Forums - Adding custom words / definitions in dictionary menu

Top > renshuu.org > Feature Requests/Improvements

Level: 1
Lately I've been going through some textbooks, which of course have a bit of jargon which either isn't in the Renshuu dictionary at all or have vaguer/more general definitions attached to them (e.g. has the definition "generation of heat; (attack of) fever, pyrexia", which gives the same sort of meaning but I want to put the specific word "exothermic" in there as part of my custom def).
At the moment it is, as far as I'm aware, only possible to add custom definitions on schedule review or term list pages, and custom terms can only be added via lesson creation or "add/remove individual terms" in a schedule's materials page. Both of these are rather inconvenient to get to and involve finding the appropriate page then re-entering whatever I'd just searched in the dictionary.
Would it be possible to streamline this process by making all the above possible directly via the dictionary? My thinking is that term definitions in the dictionary could have the pencil button next to them like elsewhere on the site, and there could also be some button near the top to add whatever is currently in the search bar as a new term (prompting you to type a definition to go with it, of course).
The way things work at the moment make me suspect custom words/definitions are saved on a schedule/lesson basis which I guess could make this tricky - maybe these dictionary buttons would have to be set to point to a specified lesson, or the studypad by default?

(Apologies if there's already some obvious way to do this that I'm missing)

4 years ago
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Level: 892

There already is a pencil icon for dictionary entries, but it is used to suggest corrections in case you find a mistake.

4 years ago
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Level: 262

Let me think on it!

4 years ago
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