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Forums - Unknown word extractor tool

Top > renshuu.org > Feature Requests/Improvements

Level: 110

out of curiosity I attempted to make a sentence card out of an NHK article with the aim of having the unknown words highlighted, and it worked


I was thinking that having a dedicated tool in the site for this could be a nice addition (without having to go trough making a sentence card), so that one would paste an arbitrary block of text and it would not only underling the unknown words like it currently does, but it would also extrapolate the list of unknown word and present it at the bottom with the corresponding meaning, so that one could do a quick read of those and memorize the meanings before actually attempting to read the piece of text.
There are often beginners that attempt to learn or just get immersion by trying to read NHK articles, so if this tool where done and presented correctly, I imagine would be a really appealing reason for them to join the site :)

4 years ago
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Level: 262

How long did it take for you to scan through the parser, and were there many mistakes?

This might be a better fit for a special version of sentences with an internal marker to say "hey, this is really long". I am rushing to get the current beta out the door this month and get the android app out of beta, so this'll have to wait until the next beta for consideration, but I'm happy to discuss it!

4 years ago
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Level: 110

How long did it take for you to scan through the parser, and were there many mistakes?

Not sure I understand the question, you mean how long it took to bind the vocabs?
I tried again with this article:
ユニセフ=とWHO=は、の43%のコロナウイルスのいをっていないとするし、しているけて、いにびかけています。ユニセフとWHOが13したによりますと、の43%のでせっけんでうためのっていないということです。 これにより81800どもがコロナウイルスなどにするリスクにさらされていて、このうち3の1にあたる29500はサハラのアフリカのどもたちだとしています。 ユネスコ=によりますと、2いているのは106のにのぼり、の60.5%にあたる10りがけているとしています。 ユニセフのフォアは「できるようにいができるやきれいなしなければいけない」とべ、けて、いにするようびかけています。

It took 13 seconds roughly to bind the vocabs, and 10 seconds to save the binding.
There where surprisingly few mistakes (though I only watched underlined words), which means is already a very solid tool. The mistakes where:
W H O (it detected the single letters W, H and O)
ことです (this was detected as "should")
(this was in front of a na adjectve but detected as "don't", as in "するな")

(side question: how do I delete these sentence?)

4 years ago
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Level: 110

There is another site that I kow of that does something like this, and is the RTK site (remembering the kanji book).

But that one simply only tell the studen the kanji they haven't studied yet, so this would be a superior tool, maybe an incentive for people using that book to SRS kanjis here


4 years ago
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Level: 262

Yea, I meant binding the vocab. Thanks!

There is not really a way to delete sentences entered in, but if you remove it from your lesson and/or schedule, it will effectively be removed.

4 years ago
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Level: 110

Just wanted to add something more for future consideration :D
In the "japanese study chat server" where I hang around a person asked "What level do I need to play Phantasy Star Online 2 (PSO2) in japanese", and after answering that I ended up suggesting him this trick:


and one thing came to mind: this can be "game-fied" by the site :P
On the internet many game have their whole conversation text dumped on some page by some fan, same for anime subtitles -> https://kitsunekko.net/
There is no shortage of blobs of text, so this could also be turned into a game mode where one has to clear the underlines by sending those words to the vocab schedule, with the % achievment on the overall blob of text shown etc...

Just a thing to consider :)

Though for that, I think the Parser would need some improvement, like giving more control to the user to say stuff like "don't highlight this one word in the text", used for stuff like アークス in the text in the image above.

Anyway, I think there is definetely potential for some fun achieving oriented study mode here, especially since as in the example above, the text in question is something that person would really like to be able to read before even starting playing the game, ideally, to better enjoy the game after)

4 years ago
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Level: 262

Definitely something to keep in mind as a possible extension of the current system! More lessons that will fit what people want to study is always good.

4 years ago
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