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Forums - Has anyone passed N3 using only Renshuu's N3 study schedules (Vocab/Kanji)

Top > 日本語を勉強しましょう / Let's study Japanese! > Exams Talk: JLPT, Kanji Kentei

Level: 586

As the title asks. Has anyone passed the JLPT N3 using Renshuu's N3 Vocab and Kanji schedule?

The reason I ask is that I have just compared Renshuu's N3 list to the Tobira List and there is only about half of the vocabulary in there.

Therefore I am a little concerned I have a lot more vocabulary yet to study. I have already completed Renshuu's N5, N4, and N3 Vocabulary and Kanji and currently have daily reviews.

Any information would be appreciated. There's less than two months so the stress is becoming real (@_@)


4 years ago
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Level: 283

I know I have talked to users before who have passed n3 using renshuu, for what it's worth.

That being said, it is my intention to look over the lists again and consider some revisions, although not in time for December's test.

The tricky thing with it is the n3 never existed before the last year revision, so there had never been official published lists, even years ago.

when you take the test in December, I'd love to know how you feel the coverage is for n3.

4 years ago
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Level: 586

The website is great for studying so I'm not surprised. However I'm more curious about the schedules people have used to achieve it. Whether it was just Reshuu's N3 schedule or not. I know I'm going to need to incorporate other reading materials with it.

Glad to hear you'll be giving them a look over (noticed a fair few duplicates). I completely understand that its impossible to know all the words in there. I'm not looking for N3 perfection, just enough to pass is all! haha!

Of course, this website has been super helpful for my learning so I am more than happy to provide feedback!

4 years ago
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Level: 586

So in answer to my question it is possible to pass the test using the Renshuu's sets. Yay!

There was vocab in there that I hadn't studied here but learnt else where but it was negligible. However there was a fair bit of Kanji that came up that I had never seen. Which made the reading/vocab section a bit of a struggle. Therefore I'd highly recommend doing the Tobira kanji set as well, as that will cover all bases.

Thanks Michael and Saki for all your hard work that goes into this website! It's a gem!

4 years ago
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Level: 1623

Nice! Thanks for the update and congratulations! :)
4 years ago
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Level: 283

I'd love to know if you remember some of the kanji that came up!

4 years ago
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Level: 214

Can I ask how long it took you to study for the N3 test using renshuu? For context I just started using the renshuu app this January and I'm liking the lessons so far that I wondered how long it would take me to get to N3 with just this. (Other than speaking and listening, which I'm learning on an online class hehe.)

Thanks and congrats!

3 years ago
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Level: 586

I'm sorry I can't remember in detail, but I think to get through just the N3 material it was over a period of 6-8months? (I'm still going through them now a year later to hone in the way of reading etc.)

I only used the Kanji and Vocab sets provided by Renshuu. Doing around 15-25 new vocab a day and 5-10 kanji. Usually I would take the weekends off, also there were large periods of time I didn't do it. (I wasn't a great student).

Reshuu is amazing if you can keep up little and often. don't overwhelm yourself. I have been trying to make it a daily habit but my procrastination usually gets the better of me.

Anyway, best of luck with your studies!

3 years ago
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