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Forums - Not able to leave dashboard

Top > renshuu.org > Android renshuu

Level: 282

Hi! I'm using the beta version of the app on a Samsung Galaxy S9 and since I ran an update a few days ago, the study buttons only reload the dashboard, and using the nav menu produces the same result. In fact, the only pages I can access at all are the dictionary and the haikus (I'm actually writing this via the website).

Android OS version: 10
App version: 1.0.20210315


3 years ago
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Level: 276

You've hit upon an old but rare bug that I just haven't been able to knock out yet.

You can do the following below to fix it immediately. However, if you are willing to to spend a bit of time with me (as in, a back-and-forth via email/twitter/discord), I would love to have you test some things for me as I actively monitor this end of the server. It would be a HUGE help, as I have not yet been able to replicate this issue myself.

Please shoot me an email at michael@renshuu.org if you are interested.

If not, though, I completely understand! You can do the following to fix the issue (for now).

1. Long press on the app icon, go to More Info > Storage & Cache > Clear Storage. You'll need to login after that, but this will fix it.

3 years ago
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Level: 282

Ooh, I'm down to test! I'll send you an email soon; the name on it will be from Jody. Thanks!

3 years ago
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