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TiCkShot |
Level: 138

I encountered this sentence in renshuu grammar schedule:


Why is it に after

3 years ago
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Level: 262

Good question!

With the meals, you typically would use the more appropriate verb べる if you are talking about the action - する works when the verb is more like "do", or when the action is "embedded" in the noun (like をしましょう)

にする is used for choices or decisions https://www.renshuu.org/gramma...

So, in this case, it sounds like the people might be in the middle of working or doing something, and they say "well, it's about time to have lunch", as in suggesting "let's make the decision to eat" (although we'd never translate it so literally).

It's very common with this phrase わりにしよう "Let's finish/end things".

I hope this helps!

3 years ago
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