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At the same time as A
A can be both an action and a state/condition
I cried at the same time I burst out laughing.
It rained at the same time that I went outside.

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(Elements in parentheses are optional.)
AVerb: Casual
Aな-adjective である
Basic Examples:
(at the same time as (my) arrival in Japan)

(at the same time as (I was) going)

である (at the same time as (it) was famous)

Where this grammar is found

User notes
Level: 1
(10 years ago)
に can also be used to describe two occupations of one person. So とに in this case would be translated as "is both a".

For example:
です。= He is both a teacher and a fiction writer.

To clearify further, to create a simular sentence it would be:
person + occupation +とに + another occupation

I hope this helps!

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