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マスター N2 > 20はどうなったか

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1. Only A (small number of something)
Can also refer to a single time (only now, only once, etc.)
We did our best, just the two of us.
1. After A, B was the final/end result
The result B is usually undesired/unfavorable.
              まで した             なりました  
Although the student council consulted for three hours and did the preparations, the sports day was ultimately halted due to rain.
1. Was just about to (do) A; Was just thinking of doing A
Shows something A that was about to occur, but didn't.
  あの    ところ     
I was just about to head home at that time.
1. Just finished A; Have been A...ing
あなた                      ところ   
Your boyfriend got tired of waiting for you and left just now.
1. As a conclusion of A, B
                      こと  した  
As a result of our vehement disputes, we decided to agree on a compromise plan.
1. Haven't done A (regrettable action/state)
I (regrettably) didn't read the book I borrowed from the library
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