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Advanced Grammar (N1) > Sentence Endings ⑤

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1. Extremely A; Very A; A beyond description
あの       ひどい        
That person's way of talking is extremely cruel.
1. Display an amount/level/degree A ()
          どう                退 といった ところ   
A: How is your mother's condition? B: Well, she has her good times and bad times.
1. I wonder A B; I don't know A B
Shows uncertainty/not-knowing as to A/B
I wonder when my daughter will be able to go to sleep on her own.
1. Allow me to A
A very humble way of stating what you are about to do.
Allow me to leave early.
1. To do A a lot/incessantly
Not necessarily good or bad in tone.
うち           なんでも      
Our dog incessantly eats everything that can be eaten.
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