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Genki II (2nd Edition) > Chapter 13
Grammar found in Chapter 13.
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1. Can A; be able to A (ability of the subject)
I can't solve this riddle. I give up!
1. A and ... (used to list reasons, with each reason followed by し)
           それ  どこ        
It was made quickly and is cheap and yummy. Where is this gyudon from?
1. It looks A; it seems like A
It looks like it will rain outside, so take an umbrella.
1. Try to A
Try on that shirt.
1. As for A
Usually followed by a characteristic or ability of A
   いつでも      くれる   
He'll always come through.
1. Every period of time A, B; Per A, B
B is often of the form , , etc.; during the period A, something happens B times.
I go to the beach once a month.
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