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Genki II (2nd Edition) > Chapter 18
Grammar found in Chapter 18.
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1. A occurs (shows embarrassment / regret / disappointment over the action A)
After two days our food ran out.
1. When/if A, then B
Used to show a natural/habitual consequence, or a factual relationship/condition
この                 なる      
They say that if you eat this mushroom, you won't be able to stop laughing.
1. While A, B
Both actions A and B are occuring at the same time. Emphasis is placed on the second action (B) in the sentence.
すごい            しながら      
Wow! Mr. Tanaka is jumping while he sings.
1. It would have been better if A (was done)
Shows regret over not doing A. Changes to 'would have been better if A wasn't done' if A is in a negative potential form (なくてよかった)
あの           よかった  
I should have bought that game.
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