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Genki I > Chapter 8
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Present (Non-past) Casual
1. Casual, present (non-past) positive form of A
He eats bread.
Present (Non-past) Casual
1. Casual, present (non-past) negative form of A
The child is sick and won't go to school.
と (う、う、える)
1. That A
I think of him as one of my good friends.
1. Please don't do A
Please do not eat food in the classroom.
1. Marks the subject A in the sentence
I'm sorry; I broke the plate.
1. Some A; Any A (somebody, somewhere, sometime, somehow, etc.)
だれか         ようだ  
It seems like someone is calling me.
1. Nothing/no one/nobody (A)
A is the question term such as nothing, no one, nowhere, etc (だれ+も = no one, なに+も = nothing). This is followed by a negative statement B that links to A
I (they) returned safely without incident.
1. A is B
The の changes a verb/adjective into a noun, and the が marks the subject.
I'm the most carefree when my husband is lively and out of the house.
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