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Nihongo So-Matome N5 (まとめ) > 3 1~2

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Past Casual
1. Casual, past positive form of A
I walked to the station.
Past Casual
1. Casual, past negative form of A
I didn't go to the party.
1. A's B (shows possession)
Her computer is old.
1. In A; on A; at A
Used when describing the existence/presence of something.
There is a cute cat in my room.
1. A has B
B is an inanimate object or abstract thing (event, idea, etc.) . It cannot be used for people or animals.
She has cooking skills.
1. There is/are A
A is an inanimate object or abstract thing (event, idea, etc.) . It cannot be used for people or animals.
     りんご  ある  
There is an apple on the table.
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