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Nihongo So-Matome N3 (まとめ) >  4

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1. As you'd expect, A; Of course, A
Shows an obvious or expected situation A
He's been living in Japan for 10 years. It's no wonder he's good at Japanese.
1. Although you may think A; that is not the case.
                わけ   ない  
For fish, having their eyes open doesn't necessarily mean they are awake.
1. There's no reason for A (A should not be possible)
      こと    わけ  ない   
There's no way my boyfriend would have said something like that!
1. Must not A
                     なしで いく わけ   いかない  
The youth hostel I'd like to stay at is very popular, so I must not go without a reservation.
1. Must A
          宿   やらない わけにはいかない      
I'd love to hang out together, but I have to do my homework, so...
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