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Nihongo So-Matome N2 (まとめ) >  3

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1. While A is the case, B; While A is occurring, B
This may (but not always) imply that it would be a good idea if B is done while A is still true, otherwise it might be troublesome afterward.
Eat your soup while it is hot.
1. While A is not occurring, B
All of the food at the dinner had been eaten before he arrived.
1. Right after A, C
A and B are the same verb/action.
その      する  しない              
The party had hardly left when it began to rain.
1. While A is the case/still true
  する              こと       
When speaking, it's important to look at the other person's facial expressions.
1. Only A (A is a special condition)
この           50    
These fish are 50 yen each, but only for today.
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