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Nihongo So-Matome N2 (まとめ) >  4

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1. If only A/B, then C
B is the last remaining condition for A before C becomes true/possible.
     あれば この                 
If I only had 500 more yen, I could buy this zombie costume.
1. A (often a reason/cause) is very strongly emphasized.
This can be used to strongly mark a reason or cause and suggest that other reasons/causes are not as important/valid as this one.
That's why I told you not to go by car.
1. Now since A...
Shows a result/realization that came about from A happening for the first time.
              こと  できる  
I can know more about Japan now since I've come (here).
1. Shows a continual/continuing negative change A
この               ばかり   
As it is, our way of living will keep getting difficult.
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