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Nihongo So-Matome N2 (まとめ) >  3

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1. As soon as A (occured), B
その       とたんに            
On hearing the noise, my brother started to cry.
1. After A, B was the final/end result
The result B is usually undesired/unfavorable.
              まで した             なりました  
Although the student council consulted for three hours and did the preparations, the sports day was ultimately halted due to rain.
1. As a conclusion of A, B
                      こと  した  
As a result of our vehement disputes, we decided to agree on a compromise plan.
1. As soon as I noticed A, B; almost immediately after A, B
B is a surprising exception contrary to action A
We spent three weeks together, but it felt like she had just arrived from overseas when she left.
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