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Nihongo So-Matome N2 (まとめ) >  2

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1. Although (you'd expect) A, (actually) B
    どう                    ダメに なった   
"How was the date?" "Well actually, it was the worst; I caught a cold and ruined it.
1. Considering the situation A, B
A is used as a way to establish a starting point for a conversation, upon which B continues/develops.
          されます  そこで               
A new ice cream (product) will be released. Accordingly, we plan to launch a campaign.
1. Speaking of ..; A by the way; A
Used when the speaker remembers something or uses the previous statement to engage a new/related topic A
そういえば        すぐ          
Speaking of, I heard that Ms. Tanaka is getting married really soon.
1. Used when switching from topics A to B
  すごい       それはそうと       
Today was really rainy! By the way, did your cold get better?
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