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Nihongo So-Matome N4 (まとめ) >  4

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1. About to A
しおり        ところ    よく       
Shiori is about to present, so listen well.
1. Be now A...ing (be in the middle of doing A)
                     もらっている ところ      
He was being taught English by his brother when we called on him.
1. Just finished A; Have been A...ing
あなた                      ところ   
Your boyfriend got tired of waiting for you and left just now.
1. During A
The phrase that follows is a continuous action that continues during the period/action A. This differs from に, which shows a single, instantaneous action that occurs before the time frame ends.
My brother was watching TV while I was cooking dinner.
1. At the time A
その            いった  
There was a parade going by at the time.
1. Action A is currently ongoing/in the middle of
Shows a state that A is currently happening.
The head director is currently with guests.
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