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Nihongo So-Matome N4 (まとめ) >  1

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1. Must do A; have to A
                  いけない  ・・・  
But I have an appointment with my client tomorrow.
1. Must do A; have to A
    ある        しなければ ならない 
There's a test tomorrow, so I need to stay up all night and study.
ないと, なくちゃ
1. Must do A
These are shortened forms of ないといけない and なくてはならない.
If you're going to get married, Mr. Yamada, you'll have to stop smoking.
1. It is alright to A; the subject may A; it's alright if A (condition)
You don't have to worry so much.
1. Don't have to A
There's no need to be that tense.
1. It would be nice if A; I wish A; I hope A
If there's someone in trouble it's good to help them.
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