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Nihongo So-Matome N4 (まとめ) >  2

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1. It seems/looks like A
He looks a bit tired.
1. Like A; Seems A; Appears to be A
Used for information directly seen/heard/etc. by the speaker
She's good at singing, like a (professional) singer.
1. It looks A; it seems like A
It looks like it will rain outside, so take an umbrella.
1. A is spoken by/heard from someone/something else
Did you hear? (I heard) The Red Sox won yesterday!
1. I think A; Probably A
Probably they will come by car.
1. Probably A; I think A; it seems A; I wonder A
He probably will fail, right?
1. Might A; maybe A; perhaps A
それ    かもしれない  
It may be true.
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