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Nihongo So-Matome N1 (まとめ) >  1

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ずにはすまない / ないではすまない
1. A must be done (it won't suffice if A isn't done).
We've got an important meeting today. I absolutely must be on time.
1. Doing A is not going to suffice; it's not going to end with just A
この            という だけ   すまない   
If it continues to not rain, poor crops won't be the end of it.
ずにはおかない / ないではおかない
1. Will definitely A; A will absolutely occur; bound to A
あの                おかない   
That punk, the next time I meet him, I'll give him a talking to.
1. Not doing A will suffice; Can get by without doing A
       なんか しなきゃ                
If you hadn't tattled, we could have gotten by without the teacher getting angry.
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