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Nihongo So-Matome N1 (まとめ) >  1

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1. A aside, putting A aside, B (new topic)
Suggests that they stop discussing/thinking about A, and transition to topic B
  さて    あなた  どう       
Putting him aside, what do you think?
1. Whatever the A; regardless of the A
Regardless of the reason, if you are late you cannot take the exam.
1. B, let alone A; B, not to mention A
Shows that not only B is true, but A (which is less desirable) is also true.
     こと  おろか         できていなかった  
Let alone talk, she couldn't even catch her breath (breathe fully).
1. I don't know about A, but B
A represents something the speaker doesn't know or isn't clear about.
100     いざ               ことがない  
I don't know about 100 years ago, but I've never heard of such a story now (these days).
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