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Nihongo So-Matome N1 (まとめ) >  6

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1. A or B
A and B are contrasting adjectives. i.e. 'sooner or later', 'more or less', 'big or small'
だれでも   について  かれ        ある  
Everyone is more or less concerned with their health.
1. During both times/situations A and B
あの    こと    につけ   につけ  かわいそうで ならない  
When I see or hear about that child, (I think) what a poor thing.
1. To defy A; in spite of A; to not lose to A
The children run around despite the cold.
1. It's not like A; it isn't as if A
It's not like you're a child, why don't you try thinking by yourself a bit more?
1. Not fit for A (when A is a person); A can/should not be done (is wrong)
The action(s) which cannot be done often precede this phrase.
A fault that a pro should not make.
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