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1. In the way A; The same as A, B; As described by A, B
Shows that B follows along the prediction/thought/plan A.
        あった      いつも    
There was a test in class yesterday, but today it's business as usual.
1. In accordance with A; depending on A; based on A; due/because to A
この          によって   された  
This city was ruined by the brutal force of nature.
1. Every time that A (occurs)
Every time I see this picture, I remember my father.
1. The more A, C
    しゃべれば しゃべる ほど    なる  
The more you speak a foreign language, the better you will become.
1. Since A happened/is going to happen, B
A is used as chance/opportunity to do B. To do A has already been decided.
なおと      びに   ついでに なおと            DVD        
Since you're going to Naoto's house, please return that DVD that you borrowed from his mother.
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