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マスター N3 >  11

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1. Decide to A
あの   あまり             こと  する  
I'm not going to talk to that person because I don't like him.
1. To make a rule/habit of A
The progressive form shows an ongoing decision/rule the subject has made (for him/herself).
        こと  している  
I make it a rule to get up at six.
1. Try to A; make sure to A
   なるべく     ように する                 
Hey, I'm going to try and get home as soon as possible, so don't eat and wait for me.
1. Be about to A; Try to A
Mom is about to go to sleep.
1. Plan to A; be going to A; intend to do A
  する つもり       こと     ください  
What are you going to do? Please don't do anything weird!
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