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マスター N4 >  3

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1. Also A; A as well
きっと     ように         
Surely he too felt the same way.
1. As many/much as A
My grandfather has four dogs.
1. Even [T], not even A
The negative form (not even) can be identified when the verb following the も is in the negative form.
Everyone was surprised because Takada is good at not just singing but drawing as well.
1. Nothing/no one/nobody (A)
A is the question term such as nothing, no one, nowhere, etc (だれ+も = no one, なに+も = nothing). This is followed by a negative statement B that links to A
I (they) returned safely without incident.
1. Only A; no more than A
Sorry, I only have a Japanese (-language) business card.
1. There's only A; Only A can be done; Only A (of many methods)
I was deceived by her, so there is nothing to do but go our separate ways.
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