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いかんでは, いかんによっては
1. Considering A; depending on A
この   いかんによって               ならない  
Considering this part, we'll have to change the design completely.
1. Regardless of A (A is a reason, response, result)
   いかんによらず        しなかった      します  
Regardless of the reason, those who didn't turn in their report will fail the class.
1. To defy A; in spite of A; to not lose to A
The children run around despite the cold.
1. Without regards to A; Ignoring A; Despite A
Despite our excitement, she remained silent.
1. I don't know about A, but B
A represents something the speaker doesn't know or isn't clear about.
100     いざ               ことがない  
I don't know about 100 years ago, but I've never heard of such a story now (these days).
1. It may be possible for A, but B
While it may be possible for A, B shows a case where it cannot be done/is impossible.
   いざ                くれる      
Amateurs, maybe, but there's no way professionals will come for such a project.
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