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1. Whether A or B
       かろう   かろう         
I absolutely want the limited(-time) promotional items whether they are cheap or expensive.
うと~まいと, うが~まいが
1. Whether or not A (is/occurs)
You're going to get the shot whether or not you cry.
であれ, であろうと
1. Even A
Even if it rains tomorrow I want to go on a drive.
1. Even if A; although A (is done)
Usually suggests that even if A is done, it's not enough/too late/something else can't be done.
         ところ      しない   
Even if we discuss it, we're not going to reach any kind of resolution.
1. Both A/B and C/D are bad.
The first two nouns (A and B) are the same word, and the second two (C and D) are also the same word.
あの         ひどい                  
That company's service is terrible. Both the employees and the company.
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