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マスター N1 >  13 

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1. It's not hard to A
Often used when describing the reaction to something: it's not hard to imagine, it's not hard to be surprised at..
It's not hard to presume that he is in shock over losing his mother.
1. Cannot continue to A
Why can't you be quiet and continue to listen to the teacher's talk?
1. Can't A; can't expect to A; cannot possibly A
We cannot possibly suspect her of being the criminal.
1. Shouldn't do A (A is forbidden)
No touching the works.
1. Not fit for A (when A is a person); A can/should not be done (is wrong)
The action(s) which cannot be done often precede this phrase.
A fault that a pro should not make.
1. Even if A is attempted/thought about; A can't be done (there is no way to A)
B is the negative potential form of A.
I hurt my leg, so I can't walk even if I wanted to.
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