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マスター N1 >  14 

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1. As for person/thing A, B (surprising/negative info); When it comes to A
Is sometimes used to emphasize the previous term A
            なんか    くれない   
When it comes to my own parents, they won't even give me a single yen of spending money.
ともなると, ともなれば
1. When (the time/situation) A
Used to mark an occasion/time when something special happens.
       なる   さすがに  もの      
When you're the head of an entire country, as expected, your escorts are really strict.
なりに, なりの
1. In A's own way; in a(n) A way
I exercise with a routine I thought of in my own way.
1. In it's own way, A (descriptor/condition)
        それなり     ありました  
They each had their own reason as to why they broke up.
1. Those who are A; That which is A
Usually followed by something a person/thing (A) like that can('t)/should(n't) do
    たる もの                  
Those who are leaders must always be calm and collected.
1. Despite B being A, (undesirable results]
A is a high/strong/valued thing, so this phrase is followed by a disappointment in A. B is often words for people (、など)
    あろう         していた なんて  
Despite being a member of parliament, to tolerate wrongdoing…
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