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Forums - Nintendo Switch Japan-exclusive digital content

Top > 会話 / General discussion > Anything Goes

Level: 343

I figured this might be interesting to anyone who enjoys playing Japanese games as a part of their language learning routine. Mother 3 has been released for the GameBoy Advance game library for the Nintendo Switch Online subscription... But only for Japanese Nintendo accounts. If you have a Nintendo Switch and want to play Japanese games, I'd strongly recommend doing the following:

1. Go to the official Nintendo website and create an account. Set the region to Japan.

2. You can now access the Japanese side of the eShop. The website may ask to switch your region if you are outside of Japan, so cancel the prompt to stay in the Japanese store. This pop-up tends to reappear every time you switch pages.

3. Anything you download on the Japanese eShop can be played with other accounts on the same console. However, you will have to use Yen to buy most of the games. There are gift card retailers online who can supply Japanese gift cards, but I have no insight on the topic and would strongly recommend that you do a lot of research into the sellers to avoid getting scammed.

If you're reading specifically for the aforementioned Mother 3 release, you WILL need the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack subscription, which is quite expensive. You can use the Japanese account to download the Japanese GameBoy Advance library. You can then play the game with any account that has an active subscription tied to it.

3 months ago
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On the switch NES and SNES games that you can get for free with online, I play the へべれけ that they recently released for the switch, I play some of the kirby games that I don't remember the name of near the top, and I play the Mario Construction Crew '98, all on SNES

1 month ago
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Level: 343

On the switch NES and SNES games that you can get for free with online, I play the へべれけ that they recently released for the switch, I play some of the kirby games that I don't remember the name of near the top, and I play the Mario Construction Crew '98, all on SNES

I play Mario Picross a lot because the words are in Japanese and it gives me some exposure outside of my typical studies. I've been wanting to play Kirby Super Star in Japanese, but I don't remember seeing a lot of text in any of the Kirby games...

1 month ago
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I also play a lot of Breath of the Wild in japanese because that game has a lot of text and words that i'm not usually exposed to so thart it can build my vocab.

(No, I'm not ruining the story. I've played through the game a million times and have memorized a lot of the text, so that helps me understand what I'm reading better)

1 month ago
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Level: 343

I also play a lot of Breath of the Wild in japanese because that game has a lot of text and words that i'm not usually exposed to so thart it can build my vocab.

(No, I'm not ruining the story. I've played through the game a million times and have memorized a lot of the text, so that helps me understand what I'm reading better)

To be honest, even if you DIDN'T know the story, it can be quite immersive to just play a game in Japanese anyway. I played Yo-Kai Watch 4 in its entirety with 0 Japanese knowledge a few years back and I picked up the sound of everyday terms from it. (I also knew what was happening based on visual cues alone, but I do feel like it would be worth replaying with an ~N3 level of vocab since it's dialogue-heavy in some parts.)

1 month ago
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yeah, I was wanting to play some new games in only japanese. I was kinda mostly saying that because BotW is special to a lot of people and they have strong feelings about how to play the game

1 month ago
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On the switch NES and SNES games that you can get for free with online, I play the へべれけ that they recently released for the switch, I play some of the kirby games that I don't remember the name of near the top, and I play the Mario Construction Crew '98, all on SNES

I play Mario Picross a lot because the words are in Japanese and it gives me some exposure outside of my typical studies. I've been wanting to play Kirby Super Star in Japanese, but I don't remember seeing a lot of text in any of the Kirby games...

Super Star has some dialogue in Meta Knight's Revenge, and in a certain boss battle found in Great Cave Offensive. I think the later games like Planet Robobot, Star Allies and Forgotten Land have more dialogue in the form of cutscenes

Fellow へべれけ fan here! Still in disblief there's a sequel now ahahaha

22 days ago
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