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Forums - Enhanced kanji search

Top > renshuu.org > Feature Requests/Improvements


As I was reading old forum posts, I discovered that renshuu used to have a feature where you could click on any of a kanji’s readings and it would search for other kanji with the same reading. I guess it didn’t get much use, because when Michael asked if anyone would mind if he removed it, no one said anything.

I’d like to have that feature back. With a few tweaks I think it could be very useful. The tweaks I envision are

  • Search by field. On’yomi would only match on’yomi; kun’yomi match kun’yomi; meaning match meaning; and radical match radical. So for example, a search for ユ wouldn’t match , and a search for ねずみ wouldn’t match (weasel) just because it has the ねずみ radical ().
  • Exact match. When you are looking for kanji with the same reading, you usually don’t want a substring match. Maybe you should be able to toggle this post-search using the filter drop down. It would probably make sense to have the fields searched controlled by the filter drop down as well.
  • Term combinations. Sometimes you want to search term by term, but sometimes you are only interested in an exact match on all the terms. For example, if I’m looking for kanji related to , I might want to find other kanji with the same readings テ and トウ, like , but not (テイ、チョウ、トウ) or (トウ、チョウ、ジョウ、テイ).

One problem with this proposal is that clicking on a reading currently has a different function: controlling whether that reading is “known” or not. Perhaps this could be enabled by toggling an edit mode. For example, a pencil icon next to the readings could bring up a dialogue that would let you check or uncheck any of the readings. I think I’d actually prefer that UI over what we have now.

Obviously, this is a nontrivial change, but I don’t think it would require all that much work. I’m likely as not mistaken though, so feel free to inform me otherwise.

1 year ago
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Level: 1204

If kanji search is being enhanced, a search by parts (rather than filter by parts) feature would be nice. e.g. I'd like to be able to search for all kanji that have the part and have , , etc. appear

1 year ago
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If kanji search is being enhanced, a search by parts (rather than filter by parts) feature would be nice. e.g. I'd like to be able to search for all kanji that have the part and have , , etc. appear

Sure, I’d like that too, but I was under the impression that Michael had already said that was going to require a fair amount of work, more than I think this would. On the other hand, maybe this would make component searches easier to implement. So who knows?

1 year ago
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Level: 1204

If kanji search is being enhanced, a search by parts (rather than filter by parts) feature would be nice. e.g. I'd like to be able to search for all kanji that have the part and have , , etc. appear

Sure, I’d like that too, but I was under the impression that Michael had already said that was going to require a fair amount of work, more than I think this would. On the other hand, maybe this would make component searches easier to implement. So who knows?

Yeah, I should have clarified that I was only mentioning it in case it was easy to sneak in, or would affect some design choices made while implementing your request (to possibly allow for future implementation of search by part).

1 year ago
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Level: 262

When you tap on the readings, isn't there a link to search for that reading in the kanji dict?

1 year ago
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Level: 1204

When you tap on the readings, isn't there a link to search for that reading in the kanji dict?

Indeed there is, but if you tap on the kunyomi こ for the query would also pull up because it has onyomi コ

1 year ago
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When you tap on the readings, isn't there a link to search for that reading in the kanji dict?

Indeed there is. Funny that I never noticed. The tweaks would still be welcome.

1 year ago
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I finally remembered the third thing and edited the headline post to include it.

1 year ago
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Level: 262

It largely depends on how the rest of November goes. I am still working a ton on the grammar update (which has hit a few road blocks), and looking to aim towards stability at the end of December as we'll be moving countries at the end of the year. We've got a big push in the discord community as well with regards to community tools. So if things go well and I find myself with some time, I'll definitely consider these.

1 year ago
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1 year ago
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I just ran across a perfect use case for this. There are 270 characters with the reading カイ. There are 91 with the reading エ. I’m interested in the ones that have both readings. I can’t think of a way to find this out at present.

1 year ago
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Level: 262

I'm going to say that I am going to make an effort to get this added in the first half of this year.

1 year ago
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Level: 262

If kanji search is being enhanced, a search by parts (rather than filter by parts) feature would be nice. e.g. I'd like to be able to search for all kanji that have the part and have , , etc. appear

If this was made, how would you imagine the input to be presented? Would you by copy/pasting those pieces in, or would you like to have a list (like now) that you could tap on? If that is the case, how would tapping on, for example, pieces A and B differ from the "filter" functionality now?

1 year ago
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Level: 1204

If kanji search is being enhanced, a search by parts (rather than filter by parts) feature would be nice. e.g. I'd like to be able to search for all kanji that have the part and have , , etc. appear

If this was made, how would you imagine the input to be presented? Would you by copy/pasting those pieces in, or would you like to have a list (like now) that you could tap on? If that is the case, how would tapping on, for example, pieces A and B differ from the "filter" functionality now?

I think the most flexible / practical manner would be the "parts" are entered in the search bar, and then it would search for kanji that list all of those parts in their parts section, and if applicable the kanji that represents that part (one peculiarity, is that kanji that are also parts, don't contain themselves as a part, but one would expect them to come up in a search. e.g. does not contain the part , but it should come up in a parts search for ).

The parts could get in the search bar via cut and paste, by typing them in as kanji (where applicable), and possibly via a interface similar to the filter interface for parts (nice to have add on, but not required).

In that manner the search for parts and how the parts get selected would be separate concerns.

The key differences between this search and the existing filter functionality would be:

-There are many more parts than are shown in the filter. e.g. the parts , are not contained in the filter interface , but are listed as parts in many kanji

-You wouldn't need an existing search to filter on

The difference of not requiring an existing search to filter on is important to me, because the specific use case I have is, when I see a part or group of parts in a kanji, I want to see if kanji with those parts consistently have some reading, or meaning attached to it.

e.g. When I see in several kanji with the reading ギ, I want to find out whether kanji with consistently have that reading.

A search on ギ and using the filter to filter on and will answer half of the question: Are there a bunch of kanji with the reading ギ that have in it ? But it doesn't answer the other half of the question: Are there a bunch of kanji with that [don't] use the ギ reading.

1 year ago
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Level: 1204

I've now figured out that the filter by parts will do a search for the parts for me if I just leave the search text input as blank. I was always trying to put the * wildcard in there when I just wanted to look by parts. So, I guess the requirement for an existing search to filter on was only imposed by my ignorance.

1 year ago
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Another nice-to-have would be to match alternate spellings of the English glosses. For example, plough vs plow or seventh vs ##7th.

8 months ago
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