Vocabulary dictionary

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Grammar dictionary

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Be made to do A
I was made by my teacher to study English for three hours every night.
During school lunch, the students were forced by the teacher to eat all of the vegetables.

Getting the sentences
1. Determine if it's a godan or ichidan verb
How do I determine the type of the verb?
2. Conjugating the verbs
Godan verbs
1. Change the last character from it's 'u' form to the 'a' form.
む (mu) => ま (ma)
す (su) => さ (sa)
う (u) => わ (wa)
ぬ (nu) => な (na)
つ (tsu) => た (ta)
ぶ (bu) => ば (ba)
く (ku) => か (ka)
ぐ (gu) => が (ga)
る (ru) => ら (ra)

2. Add せられる to the end.
Ichidan verbs
1. Remove the る from the end of the verb

2. Add させられる to the end.

Special cases
する (to do) is changed to させられる.
くる (to come) is changed to こさせられる.

Conjugation examples
Let's conjugate the godan verb く/かく (to write):
Basic Examples
Before we start: かく
1. か -> か
2. かか -> かかせられる (is made to write)

Now let's conjugate the verb べる/たべる (to eat), which is an ichidan verb:
Basic Examples
Before we start: たべる
1. たべ -> たべ
2. たべ -> たべさせられる (is made to eat)
Abbreviations for Causative-Passive
Fortunately, a shortened form exists for most of the causative passive forms of godan verbs (the left column):

かう => かわせられる => かわされる
よむ => よませられる => よまされる
しぬ => しなせられる => しなされる
まつ => またせられる => またされる
よぶ => よばせられる => よばされる
かく => かかせられる => かかされる
いそぐ => いそがせられる => いそがされる
はいる => はいらせられる => はいらされる

Please note that verbs ending in す cannot be abbreviated this way:
けす => けさせられる => けさされる
Related Expressions
Causative/させる (使役)
Where this grammar is found

User notes
Level: 28
(10 years ago)
With the causative passive, use が (or は) to mark the person being made to do something, に to mark the person who made them do it, and を for the thing they were made to do.

たちは宿をさせられた。 The students were made to do their homework by their teacher.

Contrast with causative particle usage: が (or は) for the person who makes someone do something, and に for the person they make do it.

たちに宿をさせた。 The teacher made the students do their homework.
Level: 1
(13 years ago)
What seperates causative and causative-passive is that in causative-passive, the person being forced to do something is affected by it. For example.

わせた。 Dad made me wash the car.
わされて、いやでした。 Dad made me wash the car, and it was annoying.

If you didn't mind washing the car, you would use causative. But because you didn't want to wash the car, and were annoyed, you would use causative-passive.

Discussion about this grammar
Level: 1
According to the Genki II book, all u-verbs except the ones that end in su are more commonly conjugated as asareru instead of aserareru.
14 years ago
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Level: 262
Yea, I've been meaning to add the abbreviated forms. I'm a bit busy, but I'll make sure this gets done in the next few days. Thanks!
14 years ago
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Level: 1
You might want to make the construction much more easier:

るverbs (-る) + させられる
うverbs (-う) + あせられる
する → させられる
る→ こさせられる


る verbs: nai form (-nai) + させられる
う verbs: nai form (-nai) + せられる

For u-verbs, this is commonly shorten to ‾される:
(Precisely what gaokyouryuu said.)

わ(ない) -> される -> わされる
か(ない) -> される -> かされる
*** さ(ない) -> せられる -> させられる
た(ない) -> される -> たされる
ば(ない) -> される -> ばされる
ま(ない) -> される -> まされる
ら(ない) -> される -> らされる

*** さない -> される -> さされる (incorrect)
The short form is not possible for verbs ending with す
14 years ago
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Level: 262
To be honest, all the 'conjugation' pages need to be rewritten so they're more like this:

There's just not enough time, as I'm spending most of my time on the site's redesign. I'll go ahead and take of this one, but let me know (send me a private message) if you're interested in helping with the other pages.
14 years ago
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Level: 1
I understand the causative and passive forms when I hear them, but I don't feel confident enough in their corresponding particle usage to use them heavily in my own speech (or at least, not in circumstances where I need to use particles, anyway). Could we add such an explanation to this page?
10 years ago
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Level: 28
Kaji, I added a short usage note on particles - does that clear things up?
10 years ago
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Level: 1
Awesome, that helps a lot. Thanks!
10 years ago
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