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であれ, であろうと
1. Both A and B; whether A or B
Whether you're weak at it or great at it, exercise is necessary for humans.
1. A or B (lists options/actions, of which one will be chosen/done)
それ                べき じゃないか  
Shouldn't you consult with an adult: like your teacher or your parents?
1. Not just A, not just B, but ...
A and B are two examples from a list, and are usually followed by a more general statement.
   といわず  といわず                
Not just books and his watch: he threw whatever was in reach.
1. Whether A or B
Often followed by verbs such as えない, べない, ない, etc.., shows doubt or uncertainty between the two things
I can't say whether what he says is true or not.
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