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1. Because of A, B
Tonight's the fireworks display. So because of that, the roads will probably be congested.
1. A. However, B (restricts A or gives an exception to B)
そういえば  しばらく                         
Speaking of, I haven't been in contact with Yuko for quite some time. Though, we've both been busy.
1. A. Right after, B, A. Then B
The second action takes place right after the first, or is a natural result of the first action.
      していた         ところ          
My sisters had a fight. Right after, my younger sister went crying to my mother.
1. A. And/In addition/by the way, B (a little more information)
この       とても       ちなみに     おいしいです  
The wine in this town is really famous. Additionally, the beer is good, too.
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