Thank you for your answers, however I am still puzzled about how to use というわけだ.
From what you said, its traduction depends on sentence's context, and so we can have :
1) [sentence + という] + わけだ (your part 1) => to provide logical / obvious / expected : reason / situation / result
今、仕事を片付けて、明日は楽がでという訳です。If I finish all the work now, I can have an easy day tomorrow.
なるほど。誰も来ないというわけだ。I see. So it turns out nobody comes.
結婚しているか 、あんたと付き合わないというわけだ。I'm married so I can't date you.
=> supposing here that という is used only to emphasize the reason / situation / result ?
2) [sentence] + というわけだ (your part 2) => to state a possible reason / explanation
日本語を話せるのはアメリカで七年間勉強したし,今四年間日本に住んでいたと言う訳だ。The reason I can speak Japanese is because I studied it for seven years in America, and have been living in Japan for four.
卒業が出来るはよく勉強すると言うわけだ。The reason that I can graduate is that I study hard.
子供に英語を教えてくれるは此処に居るというわけだ。The reason I'm here is to teach children english.
9 years ago
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