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A. Well/so... B
Used in conversation to prompt the speaker for more information, or to continue what they are saying.
  1. A. Well/so... B
    Used in conversation to prompt the speaker for more information, or to continue what they are saying.
  2. Because of A, B
         それで     調     ありました   
Your head hurts, I see. So, were there changes to any other part of your condition?
      それで      いつ    
They got engaged? Well, when's the wedding ceremony?
        それで  その     あれば     しよう  
Let's go to lunch. And, if there's time after that, let's have tea or something.

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User notes
Level: 348
(1 year ago)

それで is used when the information provided in B is the (reality or fact) that occurred as a result of A.


  • シャワーをびた。それで、がすっきりした。
    • The reason for the reality that my head has cleared up is that I took a shower.
  • した。それで、になった。
    • The reason for the fact that I'm healthier is that I quit smoking.

Thus, それで cannot be used to express the speaker's judgment, request, or command. Judgment is what you think -- nothing has happened yet. A request and a command also haven't happened yet, and just because you have requested it doesn't mean your request will be fulfilled. It is simply a possibility, a , not a

Compare to そこで.

Because of A, B
  1. A. Well/so... B
    Used in conversation to prompt the speaker for more information, or to continue what they are saying.
  2. Because of A, B
        して  それで               
I got sick summer of last year, because of that, I quit my part time job.
          それで  また             
I want to become rich, and then I want to live together with my family again.

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AReason Cause
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User notes

Discussion about this grammar
Level: 1147
It looks like this page is missing a usage, which appears in one of the sentences used to quiz this grammar: 「さん、だったって。」「れで、?」. れで is translated in this sentence as "well", not "because". One of my grammar books has a note describing this usage as the listener prompting the speaker for more information. Also, the second example sentence on this page has an incorrect translation; it isn't the speaker's head that hurts, it's the person being asked about in the second part of the sentence.
5 years ago
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Level: 276
Fixed the English, added the usage, and removed that question from the quizzing. Thanks!
5 years ago
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