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Intermediate Grammar (N3) > Jumble Question Pack ②

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1. Shows a strong emotion or feeling about A
This phrase is often followed by words B such as じられない、ひどい、?、うらやましい、びっくり
        など ある     
There's just no way he could betray me.
1. Please A (formal)
   いす     ください 
Please have a seat.
1. Every period of time A, B; Per A, B
B is often of the form , , etc.; during the period A, something happens B times.
I go to the beach once a month.
1. How A; What A
Shows a very strong feeling A about something.
What beautiful scenery.
1. A, in other words, B
Cannot be used for main points or for rephrasing/reporting what someone else says
      すなわち 15          
Friday next week, in other words on the 15th we have a meeting.
1. Changes A into a noun
It can often be understood as adding '-ness' to the end of an adjective, and can only be used on a small number of adjectives.
I've had an itch (itchiness) on my arm since yesterday.
1. A. Well/so... B
Used in conversation to prompt the speaker for more information, or to continue what they are saying.
         それで     調     ありました   
Your head hurts, I see. So, were there changes to any other part of your condition?
1. Used to quote sentence A
This is a casual form of とう/といました.
I heard that Dad's health is all better.
1. No matter (how much) A
Shows an extreme situation, usually followed by an unfavorable result
いくら           こと  ある  
No matter how open-minded I am, there are things that I cannot forgive.
1. I wonder A ?
Similar to か, but for a question asked without directing it at someone in particular. Sentence should end in casual form.
I wonder if today will get hot?
1. Shows the cause A of the subject's emotions
B is a verb that shows emotion such as しむ/かなしむ、ぶ/よろこぶ, etc.
I mourned his death.
1. A is B
The の changes a verb/adjective into a noun, and the が marks the subject.
I'm the most carefree when my husband is lively and out of the house.
1. Doesn't/didn't A anywhere
A is usually a verb that shows movement.
    おいしい   どこにもない  
Such a sweet thing/deal doesn't exist anywhere.
1. A is information about B
B is often words such as , , , or other terms expressing a collection of information.
      パン     できる という       
Did you hear the talk about the new bakery opening in the neighborhood?
1. About A
           こと ばかり    
Lately, my daughter speaks only about the anime she likes.
1. (Polite) forms the plural of A
Used with あなた as well as certain nouns (, , etc)
You all were splendid.
1. Going/coming/returning to do A
In the summer, I'm going to Hokkaido to have fun.
1. A? or B?
   ラーメン   それとも  そば   どっち     
For lunch, which do you want: ramen or soba?
1. Changes A into a noun
それ     いくら     
How expensive is it?
1. A, right?; A, isn't it?
Used to elicit confirmation from the listener; weaker than でしょう?
It's OK if we go home already, right?
1. A is necessary
この         あります  
This car needs repairing.
1. Looks (like) A; looks similar to A
She is always laughing and looking like she's having fun.
1. (It is almost) As if A
The stated information is not true/real, but the situation is that it seems to be the case.
綿    まるで  のように       
The cotton candy is fluffy, almost as if it's a cloud.
1. There is/are B in/at A
Mt. Fuji is in Japan.
1. No one A
   だれも    こと  ない   ある  
There's a room in the school that no one has ever entered.
1. Intending to A
Often followed by an action taken in order to accomplish A
           する つもり            
Intending to live on my own in Tokyo, I saved my money.
て, で (て form)
1. Do B by means of A
ラーメン    使        
I eat ramen with chopsticks (lit: by using chopsticks).
1. Used by young males to make an assertion (ending in A)
I'd be fine if it was me.
1. That A (negative, abusive)
A+め (usually followed by が) is a word that has a negative, abusive nuance: あいつめ, あほうめ, etc.
A crowd of those dang kids packed in.
1. Doesn't/didn't A at all
If you stay silent nothing will change.
1. (I) was told by A to do(n't) B
This is used to report orders/commands given to the subject by someone else.
I was told sternly to keep (not break) curfew.
1. A is an example (but not the only one) out of the group B
1つ can be replaced by other counters such as , etc.
Running is a typical type of training.
1. Both A and B (are acceptable options)
Used when the A and B are both ok, but only one will be chosen/used in the situation.
I either walk or go by bike to work.
1. Please do A
Often used as an order/command by males towards others of lower status
You're no longer a child, so please wake up on your own in the morning.
1. No matter what, A; by any means necessary A
それ  どうしても   できない  
I can not stomach it.
1. Without A..ing
Don't come into my room without knocking.
1. ちゃ is a casual form of ては
I have to prepare for the test.
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