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Pre-Advanced Grammar (N2) > Verb Suffixes ①

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1. There are no other methods except for A
その                            ない  
I don't understand the workings of this machine, so I guess I'm stuck with asking the engineer for help.
1. Can't finish/complete A
This refers to an action A that has an amount/duration attached to it, such as eating, running, writing, etc. Because of this, the "can't finish/complete" refers to the amount/duration being too many/much.
この   50          
This room is too small to contain 50 people.
1. Only A is left to do/can be done
A is the only remaining option due to a change in the situation. A is often an undesirable action.
           ばかり       いて とても                  
My boyfriend does nothing but badmouth people. Being together is very bitter, so there's nothing left to do but break up with him.
1. Can't do A
I have trouble putting up with his rude manner.
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