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ともなると, ともなれば
1. When (the time/situation) A
Used to mark an occasion/time when something special happens.
       なる   さすがに  もの      
When you're the head of an entire country, as expected, your escorts are really strict.
1. Without A, B (can't be done, wouldn't be, etc.)
Suggests a conditional that without A, B wouldn't exist/be possible.
   なくしては           こと  できなかった ろう  
Without his strength, we probably would not have even won a single game.
1. B is only possible at/with A; If it's not A, B is impossible
Shows that condition B is only possible if it's A.
    たくさん       なんて          
With all those guards: it can only be the Prime Minister.
1. Regardless of A (A is a reason, response, result)
   いかんによらず        しなかった      します  
Regardless of the reason, those who didn't turn in their report will fail the class.
1. While A is (true), B also, A is one thing, but B (as well)
   その   もさることながら            なった  
You might say that she is beautiful, but talk of her came about because of her outstanding acting ability.
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