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いかんでは, いかんによっては
1. Considering A; depending on A
この   いかんによって               ならない  
Considering this part, we'll have to change the design completely.
1. As for A; when it comes to the example A
Shows an extreme example A. Has a negative connotation.
As for this here, he said that he was innocent.
1. Even from the viewpoint (of) A
Usually implies that even from A, there is some negative element/response (that follows this expression).
     した               わけじゃない  
Even considering we lost today, it wasn't because your effort was lacking.
1. A aside, putting A aside, B (new topic)
Suggests that they stop discussing/thinking about A, and transition to topic B
  さて    あなた  どう       
Putting him aside, what do you think?
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